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Explore the Ishaac Lifestyle Collection

The Ishaac lifestyle collection is my range of handmade Lino prints inspired by Islamic, Heritage, Arts and Culture. The hope is that these pieces will bring a little love, heritage and beauty into your everyday life. 



One-to-one Coaching

I work with clients on a one-to-one basis who maybe feeling stagnant and facing a challenging period in their lives.


Together we identify and work through what is holding them back so they can make progress and move forward with passion, enthusiasm and clarity.


Design Your Life- Group Coaching Programme

The Design Your Life programme is a series of Personal Development and Wellbeing sessions which enable you to find clarity and direction in your life, develop self-awareness in order to become conscious of your behaviours, emotions and limiting beliefs and, manage your wellbeing in order to create a calm and peaceful inner and outer life.



I speak at universities, conferences and corporate organisations about mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing, harnessing the courage to live a truthful and authentic life, crossing divides in communities and the importance of meaning and purpose in your life. Collaborations include Nottingham Trent University, The University of West London and British Islam Conference.


Clients say

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"Saima is safe space. In such a short time, she created an environment where I felt safe to share what was truly going on in my mind and heart and helped me dig deeper letting me guide my own experience."

Dr. Rosa Vasquez Espinoza, Chemical Biologist and National Geographic Explorer 


Working With the Best Clients and Partners

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